A place to grow your ideas and projects
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IfMine^هو أحدث منصة لادآرة المشاريع المبتكره بنيت من أجل تعاون الفريق الناجح وفرص الإرشاد. إذا كنت مربيا، طالبا، باحث عن عمل، هاوي، تعمل في التجارة، أو صانع أفكار...

لديك القوة لمشاركة أفكارك مع الجمهور، فريقك، أو الإحتفاظ بها . لديك القدرة على تشجيع والتأثير على الناس الآخرين. لديك الحق في تحقيق النجاح في الأشياء التي تقوم بها.

^IfMine is the latest innovative idea publishing and project management platform built to help great minds find success. Our site includes group collaboration tools and mentorship opportunities for educators, students, job-seekers, hobbyists, professionals, idea-makers and more…

You have the power to share your ideas with the public, your team, or to keep them private. You have the ability to encourage and influence other people. You have the right to accomplish success in the things you do.

^IfMine es la mas nueva e inovativa plataforma de administración de projectos, creada para facilitar una colaboración exitosa en grupo y fomentar oportunidades de mentoría. Si tú eres un educador, estudiante, solicitante de empleo, aficionado, professional o inovador…

Tú tienes el poder de compartir tus ideas con el público, tu equipo, o mantenerla privadas. Tú tienes la habilidad de entusiasmar e influenciar a otras personas. Tú tienes el derecho de lograr el éxito en lo que te propones.

^IfMine 是为了帮助获得成功团队合作和指导机会而成立的一个最新的创新项目管理平台。如果你是教育者,学生,求职者,爱好者,商业人士或者有创意的人...



National Resources Management Systems for now uses ^IfMine with aims to be a world leader starting with this platform we find usable by industries, offices, grade schools, high schools, universities, research centers for either closed or open research, projects, or communication sharing found among you; the students, employees, professionals of all kinds and also family and friends, futurists, innovators, think tanks, hobbyists, journalists or just story tellers. Here develop your ideas or messages and encourage and complement each other positively using this NRMS initiative. We hope our site is to your liking and that it offers more as we become more capable from your support.


  • Discover new ideas by talented individuals. Give constructive feedback as a team member or professional mentor.
  • Share your dreams, ideas, and projects. Build a team of like-minded collaborators.
  • Network and assist in project success. Watch ideas evolve and prosper.
  • Project Based Learning for those who use it as such.
  • Sharing with a possible broader array of people from many different backgrounds and from all over the world
  • Restriction to desired user and availability of a personal project can be hidden by your desired team when using the private setting
  • Develope your personal resumes: show NRMS projects in your resume where you are contributing in part or entirely to those projects development and findings so to make your resume/profile stand out
  • Received credit to classroom work by projects you are part of here using our platform
  • Corporations can reach out to desired talent who are positively showing from projects and recorded timelines that they are candidates always ready or promotion worthy employees who are users of IfMine and so identified by reference in their personal resumes. Such profiles are stored here at NRMS' IfMine.


Our company will also harbor growth to our individual characters as users who share working together on thoughtful endeavors, leaving one another after valuable time we users pass on to one another gifted impressions from either learning, or tools of reasoning, creativity, friendship, or/ and in being a giver to others these efforts; when personal joy found in such sharing will create the spirit needed to make others the more productive employees, students, teachers, citizens... All users gain from such an environment and motivates the uprightness to families and country practicing a committed prosocial behavior of cooperative teamwork; growing together by treating each user with dignity and respect given to friends in an atmosphere that produces empowerment and enhances the real value to your ideas while users share, create, manage, buy, sell, and boost the growth to their personal ideas; with this, we offer trust and notoriety to members working together.

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